Tomorrow, January 31, 2015, a new Humanitarian Aid Container will leave for Zanzibar (Tanzania) for the Mnazi Mmoja NED Surgical Institute.

The help we have received in obtaining, preparing and loading this new container has been very valuable.

We leave you some photos of the preparation and loading.

We want to give our sincere thanks to each and every one of the volunteers who have made it possible: Rosa Barrachina Tortajada, Isidro Belda, Raquel Borras Monzo, Raquel Espi Lorente, Inma Gallach, Esther Gomez GutierrezAlma Huguet Ordaz, Jose Vicente Llanes Domingo, Deme Martinez Cordellat, Silvia Moreno Cazalla, Lluis Moreno Oliveras, Amparo Navarro Lacal, Cristian Olivert Riera, Borja Olivas Fontana, Pilar Ortiz Marti, Adriana Pausa PocoviJose Miguel Perez Gimenez, Africa Sanchez Salas, Raul Sanchez Checa, Alfredo Soler Albuixec y Carmen Zafra Solaz.

Thank you very, very much for your effort, dedication, support and for the enthusiasm and joy with which you carry out any work requested from the Foundation.

You are the most valuable thing that NED has.

Asante sana!!

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