On July 22th, 9 pallets with Humanitarian Aid were sent to Zanzibar (Tanzania) to the Mnazi Mmoja NED Surgical Institute.
These 9 pallets contain medical material and are the result of the collaboration of numerous entities, especially the Vithas Aguas Vivas Hospital and volunteers who have donated it to the Foundation.
We want to give our sincere thanks to each of the volunteers who have made it possible and especially to: Dr Aamer Malik, Mr. Raul Sanchez Checa, Mr. Cristian Olivert, Dr Rafael Sala, Dr Rosa Barrachina, Mrs. Mª Jose Fos, Mrs. Africa Sanchez, Mr. Luis Rodriguez, Mr. Juan Alberto Cuñat, Mrs. Maria Puig, Mr. Julio Andres, Mr. Omar Lacalle, Mr. Chimo Chornet y Mr. Luis Moreno, since without them the preparation of these pallets would not have been possible.
Thank you very much for your effort and support, but above all for the enthusiasm, eagerness and joy with which you perform any work requested from the Foundation.
We leave you some photos of the load;download and Dr Aamer Malik, Alma Mater of this project who will remain at the Mnazi Mmoja NED Institute for 1 month.
Your generosity and commitment is a very special example for all of us.
Much success in your mission!!
Asante sana!!