We continue with our teaching and training activity in Zanzibar. Today, November 13th, we have started the course on Advanced Diagnosis and Anatomy of the Human Brain in Zanzibar, at the Zanzibar Ocean View Hotel , which will end next Friday, November 17.
This course is intended for any medical professional interested in a comprehensive review of the anatomy, function and pathophysiology of the human brain, primary care physicians and specialists, nursing staff and other healthcare professionals.
The course will offer theoretical sessions and practical workshops and will feature internationally renowned speakers:
- Jose Piquer Belloch MD, Ph,MD
- Mahmood M. Qureshi MD
- Paul H. Young MD
- Dr. Aamir Qureshi – NSG Mediclinic hospital in WindhoekNamibia
- Dr. Said Idrissa – Chief NSG MMNED Institute
- Dr. Muly Abdalla – NSG Resident MMNED Institute
- Hadia MMadi Nahoda – MMNED Head Nurse
- Lisa M. Young BSRN – Neurosurgery Nurse St. Louis, USA
- Dr Mohammed Haji. Coordinator MMNED Institute
- Dr. Jose Piquer Martinez, PhD—Director NED Foundation
- Khamis Waziri – Chief Anesthesia Mnazi Mmoja Hospital
- Dr Said Simai – Neurosurgeon MMNED Institute
- Dr Ommar Mussa – Neurosurgeon MMNED Institute
- Dr Salum Shaaban. Chief ICU Mnazi Mmoja Hospital
- Dr. Said Ali Said. Associate Dean, School of Health and Medical Sciences. The State University of Zanzibar.
- Mr. Othman Hakum. Head of Anatomy Department. School of Health and Medical Sciences. The State University of Zanzibar
It is led by neurosurgeons Jose Piquer (President of the NED Foundation), Paul H. Young (Honorary President of NED), Mahmood M. Qureshi (Honorary Vice President of NED), and Dr.Salma Abdi Mahmoud (Dean of School of Health and Medical Sciences, State University of Zanzibar).
Funded and organized by the Foundation, the course is sponsored by the State University of Zanzibar (SUZA UNIVERSITY), the Mnazi Mmoja Hospital and the Ministry of Health of Zanzibar.
The course has more than 40 participants, including neurosurgeons, traumatologists, medical students, residents… who come from different countries, Zanzibar, Kenya, the United States, and the Congo, among others.
This course expands training opportunities for health professionals from low-income health systems. Therefore, more than 10 scholarships have been offered to participate in this course, thus facilitating access to quality specialized training for professionals who face more educational barriers.
The full program of the course is available here.