During the month of August 2014, four missions left for Africa.

On August 2, two missions left for Zanzibar; one Neurosurgical, coordinated by Dr Luis Francisco Gómez Perals accompanied by Dr Marcos Barbosa (Neurosurgeon) and Mrs. Mª Pilar Martínez Párraga (Scrub Nurse) and the other one, Traumatological, coordinated by Dr José Ramón Pérez del Valle (Traumatologist) , accompanied by Mrs. Laura Sanjosé Rosa (Nurse)

Their work was carried out at the Mnazi Mmoja Hospital, where they carried out: Assessment of patients and selection of surgical cases. Inventory, review, preparation of instruments and surgical material; Planning and execution of surgical activity. Follow-up of the operated patients. Post-surgical wound healing. Information on the guidelines to follow in surgical treatments

By mid-month, our Non-Medical Mission arrived in Zanzibar, in which our Coordinator of Non-Medical Projects, Mrs. Antonia Martínez Gosalbez, was accompanied by Mrs. Amparo Barber Paris (Attorney), Mr. Salvador Roca Marquina (Coordinator of NED On- line), Mrs. Mar del Mar Portillo Niederleytner (Student), Mrs. Rosa Gadea Martinez (Coordinator of Sewing and Crafts Workshop), Mrs. Beatriz Giner Garrigós (Student), Mr. Javier Martínez Soler (Student), Mrs. Mar Piquer Martinez (Student) and Mrs. Paula Piquer Ruz (Lawyer).

They worked with children from the Orphanage Mazizini: Spanish and English classes, crafts, educational games, excursions … As on every visit giving and receiving affection.

Likewise, they continued the project started in Sebleni, contributing their knowledge and new ideas to expand the offer of their Workshop.

Paralelamente, el Dr. José Piquer Belloch (Coordinador Médico para Europa) y D. Luis Moreno Oliveras (Enfermero Instrumentista) se desplazaron al Kiambu Hospital en Kenia para continuar con el proyecto Neuroquirúrgico en aquella población.

Meanwhile, Dr Jose Piquer Belloch  (Medical Coordinator for Europe) and Mr. Luis Moreno Oliveras (Scrub Nurse) moved to the Kiambu Hospital in Kenya to continue the Neurosurgical project in that town.

Later, they traveled to Zanzibar to check the progress of the works of our Mnazi Mmoja NED Surgical Institute taking shape gradually.

And last but not least important, a new multidisciplinary mission arrived at the Chake Chake Hospital in Pemba: coordinated by Dr Mar Sanmartin Moreno (Gynecologist) accompanied by Dr Roberto Molto Garcia (Plastic Surgeon), Dr José Pedro Marin Pardo (Anesthesiologist), Mrs. Victoria Martínez Ibañez (Nurse), Mrs. Begoña Ibañez Alonso (Midwife), Dr Jose Alberto Fernandez Alvarez (Plastic Surgeon), Dr. Amagoia Gondra Eleguezabal (Plastic Surgeon) and Mr. Miguel Andrés Añaños Sánchez (Publicist).

Carrying out: Daily consultations by specialty; Controls and monitoring of admissions, surgical and postoperative. Organization, classification and cleaning of medical, surgical and pharmaceutical materials. Teaching in surgery Teaching when performing cures for both diabetic and burned feet. Teaching in medication administration, as well as in maintaining continuity.

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